Life in Los Angeles is interesting to say the least. It's a bit of a different hustle than NYC - which I had always been more accustomed to and thought I fared better over there. Here it's a bit more cut throat, in a very fake way. People will say they like something and smile but not really mean it. I'd rather have the brutal honestly and aggression of the East Coast when it comes to those types of things. I also miss the awesome public transit in NYC. Driving everywhere here, especially for auditions each day can be such a drag. We of course win on the weather aspect, but I do miss my seasons very much. It never feels like Christmastime or fall has come here. Every day is pretty much the same. It feels like the Twilight Zone. I love the forward thinking here. I've really come to embrace the hippie vibe. And now I finally understand it and it makes me scared to ever leave to a land where people aren't as open and free with their thoughts. L.A., like anywhere, is a blessing and a curse.
I was almost 20 years old and had to create a name for the work I did in porn. They told me I had to choose a first name, I went with Bree because at the time there weren't any “Bree's” in the industry, and I had a fling with a superhot girl named Bree back in high school. Olson came later when they said I needed a last name. I went with the Olsen twins for that all American vibe from “Full House” and altered the spelling. There I had Bree Olson, an all American name to match my all American image.
I haven't done porn in four years now and the fact that people still treat me the same as when I was in porn, is a little discouraging. I didn't realize my image would be carried with me so strongly. Surprisingly people from the Midwest are much more accepting of who I am. I think the people here in L.A. are too concerned with their image and not just professionally. It's L.A., many people here feel like they're on stage all the time.
I’m a true sapiosexual. If one were to gather all of my ex's together they would see stark differences in personality, looks and interests. One thing they all have in common is their intellect. I am extremely drawn to people with abnormally high IQ's. Some were more in touch with their emotional IQ and some not at all. In the end, they were all so smart and talented in their own ways. The more someone knows than me, the more likely I am to love them.
It's getting to a point where it sickens me that women's equality is still a topic. The millennium hasn't been about equality as commercials of an assortment of races and genders claim it to be. The millennium is better at masking gender and race discrimination. It’s without question, the higher you go in almost any company, it becomes predominantly white males. There are white women, black men and women, Hispanic men and women that are just as qualified. At most we just see them sprinkled about just enough for a company to not be able to be held accountable.
We’re still living from a place when physical strength was a means for survival and in most instances that was the male. Now we live in a time where the most important attributes to being successful are found just as commonly in females as males such as intelligence, perseverance and creativity just to name a few.
I used to be “anti-feminism” because I didn't know what it meant. I thought it meant to hate men or to try and make them feel lesser than. That's just not the case at all. Being a feminist is just wanting the same equalities as a man. To be equal to. In my opinion, I think this benefits the man. Perhaps if we all did what made sense rather than what society has brainwashed us with, most men wouldn't buy dinner on every date, most men wouldn't feel defeated if their female spouse makes close to what they make or more. And most importantly if we were able to take down these very specific walls of gender that society has built, men could feel free to be themselves, to be more sensitive if they wanted to be. “Be a man.” What is this? Most commonly applied to little boys when telling them not to cry. Let them cry. Let them laugh. Let them cross their legs. We are all human beings and we should all have the same opportunities given our skill sets without bias and discrimination.
I loved being on such a large professional set and they truly treated me like a princess. I flew over night to audition for the part because “The Human Centipede” one and two, are actually the only horror movies I have watched in my adult life. I was really drawn to them and excited that I was even considered for the role. I had about 30 days on set and it was an amazing experience, I still talk with much of the cast and crew to this day. I'm excited to see them at the premier on May18th, and for all of us to be united again.
My absolute most favorite actor at this time is Peter Dinklage best known for his incredible portrayal of Tyrion Lannister on “Game of Thrones”. But I was extremely drawn to him several years ago when he played a nanny on “Nip/Tuck”. I'm always so happy when I see an amazing actor finally hit it big - and in his case - jackpot, and deservingly so.
I’m a true sapiosexual. If one were to gather all of my ex's together they would see stark differences in personality, looks and interests. One thing they all have in common is their intellect. I am extremely drawn to people with abnormally high IQ's. Some were more in touch with their emotional IQ and some not at all. In the end, they were all so smart and talented in their own ways. The more someone knows than me, the more likely I am to love them.
It's getting to a point where it sickens me that women's equality is still a topic. The millennium hasn't been about equality as commercials of an assortment of races and genders claim it to be. The millennium is better at masking gender and race discrimination. It’s without question, the higher you go in almost any company, it becomes predominantly white males. There are white women, black men and women, Hispanic men and women that are just as qualified. At most we just see them sprinkled about just enough for a company to not be able to be held accountable.
We’re still living from a place when physical strength was a means for survival and in most instances that was the male. Now we live in a time where the most important attributes to being successful are found just as commonly in females as males such as intelligence, perseverance and creativity just to name a few.
I used to be “anti-feminism” because I didn't know what it meant. I thought it meant to hate men or to try and make them feel lesser than. That's just not the case at all. Being a feminist is just wanting the same equalities as a man. To be equal to. In my opinion, I think this benefits the man. Perhaps if we all did what made sense rather than what society has brainwashed us with, most men wouldn't buy dinner on every date, most men wouldn't feel defeated if their female spouse makes close to what they make or more. And most importantly if we were able to take down these very specific walls of gender that society has built, men could feel free to be themselves, to be more sensitive if they wanted to be. “Be a man.” What is this? Most commonly applied to little boys when telling them not to cry. Let them cry. Let them laugh. Let them cross their legs. We are all human beings and we should all have the same opportunities given our skill sets without bias and discrimination.
I loved being on such a large professional set and they truly treated me like a princess. I flew over night to audition for the part because “The Human Centipede” one and two, are actually the only horror movies I have watched in my adult life. I was really drawn to them and excited that I was even considered for the role. I had about 30 days on set and it was an amazing experience, I still talk with much of the cast and crew to this day. I'm excited to see them at the premier on May18th, and for all of us to be united again.
My absolute most favorite actor at this time is Peter Dinklage best known for his incredible portrayal of Tyrion Lannister on “Game of Thrones”. But I was extremely drawn to him several years ago when he played a nanny on “Nip/Tuck”. I'm always so happy when I see an amazing actor finally hit it big - and in his case - jackpot, and deservingly so.
My grandparents were immigrants and Holocaust survivors originally from the Ukraine. They brought a very strong work ethic to America and my grandmother instilled every bit of that into me. Work, work and work. Even though many may look down on my career of porn, I worked very hard at it. Very little time is spent on camera, although most. And the last four years with the exception of non-pornographic work is spent off camera. Events, hosting, photo shoots, social media, websites and fans, fans and fans. I love my fans and interact with them as much as I can. In fact, I have been working on a secret project and as an entrepreneur that has had things shine beyond success and fizzle into nothing. I can’t tell you how it will do. As always, the fans decide so we'll see how they feel. Either way, it will be a life changing experience yet again.
Oh! So my answer! As you can see, I don't really do the leisure time thing. I'm my happiest when I'm working and I envy my friends that are always out on the weekends. If I wanted to, I could be there, too. But this is my happy place, working. It's in my DNA to work until I can work no more.
My grandparents were immigrants and Holocaust survivors originally from the Ukraine. They brought a very strong work ethic to America and my grandmother instilled every bit of that into me. Work, work and work. Even though many may look down on my career of porn, I worked very hard at it. Very little time is spent on camera, although most. And the last four years with the exception of non-pornographic work is spent off camera. Events, hosting, photo shoots, social media, websites and fans, fans and fans. I love my fans and interact with them as much as I can. In fact, I have been working on a secret project and as an entrepreneur that has had things shine beyond success and fizzle into nothing. I can’t tell you how it will do. As always, the fans decide so we'll see how they feel. Either way, it will be a life changing experience yet again.
Oh! So my answer! As you can see, I don't really do the leisure time thing. I'm my happiest when I'm working and I envy my friends that are always out on the weekends. If I wanted to, I could be there, too. But this is my happy place, working. It's in my DNA to work until I can work no more.
I’m a vegan. At one point I was overweight weighing 150 pounds at only 5'3. I went vegan and lost all 50 pounds in two months with no exercise. I feel more healthy and energetic than I have in my whole life. Who has time to miss food when you can wear anything you want and know you look great?
Everyone wishes they could change something about themselves physically and one thing that is free is to lose weight and that's probably the number one thing that people would want to change about their physical appearance. I'm sure there's a poll somewhere that could back me up on this. And if you're big and beautiful and proud, great. However, if you're not proud and you're overweight and really want to change, I’m here to tell you there's no easy way out. But I'm also here to tell you that the gym isn't as required as people think. The gym is there to sculpt and to keep weight off. If all you're doing is trying to lose weight, eat less, a lot less. Will you be hungry? Yes. Will people tell you it's not healthy especially your own mother? Yes. Are the chips, soda, juice, and eating out you're doing healthy? No? Okay. I'd rather be a little "unhealthy" and lose the weight. Now, don't go starve yourself to death. I'm just saying that most people can make it on a 1500 calorie diet, no problem. We see these stars and think they are so lucky and that they are born with it. No, it's their life. I walked to two different grocery stores to get fresh vegetables and fruits so that I have fresh food each day. “I don't have time for that”. Well, I didn't watch any TV today, did you? Did you spend any time on Facebook today?
Two things scare me about technology and that is not connecting with people enough in person and being stagnant. People sit and drive to work, they sit at work, and they sit as they drive home. They get home and they sit down in front of the computer or TV and on the weekends they sit in front of the TV and the computer. Don't even get me started with how much time we spend looking at our phones. And I get it! I love my Apple TV, Mac and iPhone just as much as the next person, except I make the effort each day to shut down everything for hours and just do things, even if it's just re-organizing the cupboards or walking to the post office instead of driving. We all really have to tell ourselves which hours of the day are going to be “no technology time”.
Also for the people wanting to lose weight, it's okay to be hungry. Every time you're hungry, that means you're losing weight. Now when you do decide to eat, make sure it's a salad and not a big greasy burger and I assure you, you'll lose all the weight you want. I'm scolding today. I'm everyone's mother I guess. I just have a few friends that fight with weight big time and what I've said here is basically what I've told them a hundred times. They don't listen and guess what? They're still fat. I love them to death though. Maybe I should start a boot camp? Bree's Boot Camp. I'm sure if I wore booty shorts and a sports bra I'd get a few clients for sure.
Everyone wishes they could change something about themselves physically and one thing that is free is to lose weight and that's probably the number one thing that people would want to change about their physical appearance. I'm sure there's a poll somewhere that could back me up on this. And if you're big and beautiful and proud, great. However, if you're not proud and you're overweight and really want to change, I’m here to tell you there's no easy way out. But I'm also here to tell you that the gym isn't as required as people think. The gym is there to sculpt and to keep weight off. If all you're doing is trying to lose weight, eat less, a lot less. Will you be hungry? Yes. Will people tell you it's not healthy especially your own mother? Yes. Are the chips, soda, juice, and eating out you're doing healthy? No? Okay. I'd rather be a little "unhealthy" and lose the weight. Now, don't go starve yourself to death. I'm just saying that most people can make it on a 1500 calorie diet, no problem. We see these stars and think they are so lucky and that they are born with it. No, it's their life. I walked to two different grocery stores to get fresh vegetables and fruits so that I have fresh food each day. “I don't have time for that”. Well, I didn't watch any TV today, did you? Did you spend any time on Facebook today?
Two things scare me about technology and that is not connecting with people enough in person and being stagnant. People sit and drive to work, they sit at work, and they sit as they drive home. They get home and they sit down in front of the computer or TV and on the weekends they sit in front of the TV and the computer. Don't even get me started with how much time we spend looking at our phones. And I get it! I love my Apple TV, Mac and iPhone just as much as the next person, except I make the effort each day to shut down everything for hours and just do things, even if it's just re-organizing the cupboards or walking to the post office instead of driving. We all really have to tell ourselves which hours of the day are going to be “no technology time”.
Also for the people wanting to lose weight, it's okay to be hungry. Every time you're hungry, that means you're losing weight. Now when you do decide to eat, make sure it's a salad and not a big greasy burger and I assure you, you'll lose all the weight you want. I'm scolding today. I'm everyone's mother I guess. I just have a few friends that fight with weight big time and what I've said here is basically what I've told them a hundred times. They don't listen and guess what? They're still fat. I love them to death though. Maybe I should start a boot camp? Bree's Boot Camp. I'm sure if I wore booty shorts and a sports bra I'd get a few clients for sure.
I know nothing, just like Jon Snow.
I know nothing, just like Jon Snow.
She looks like Anne of Green Gables with that cute nose of hers.
ReplyDeleteThis girl is hilarious and nifty. I only knew her as Charlie Sheen's ex pornstar girlfriend and formed a biased opinion. But I'm a woman and allowed to change my mind.
ReplyDeleteBree's Booty Camp, Sign me up! :P
ReplyDeleteGod bless
ReplyDeleteI find it fascinating that intelligence is such a key factor for you when considering attraction.